How to Load the Sample Data in Joomla! 4.0
Joomla! 4.0 comes with a new template called Cassiopeia. You can see a great demonstration of this new template by simply loading the sample data that comes packaged with the Joomla! 4.0 installation.
朱姆拉!4.0附带了一个名为仙后座.& nbsp;您可以通过简单地加载Joomla!4.0安装。& nbsp;
This tutorial will walk you through a brief tutorial on how to load the sample data so that you can see an example of how the template can be used.
Why Use the Sample Data for Joomla! 4.0?
You may wonder why you would use the sample data. First, if you are new to using Joomla then using the sample data will give you a great preview of how the new Cassiopeia template can be used.
您可能想知道为什么要使用示例数据。& nbsp;首先,如果你是第一次使用Joomla,那么使用示例数据将给予你一个很好的预览如何使用新的仙后座模板。& nbsp;
There is also an option for multilingual sample data that can be used so that you can see how multiple languages are supported in Joomla! 4.0.
To visibly see the difference in a non-developed (blank) Joomla! 4.0 site and one that has the sample data loaded, check out the screenshots below:
This site (using the Cassiopeia template) does not have the sample data loaded.
要明显地看到一个非开发(空白)Joomla的差异!4.0 site and one that has the sample data loaded, check out the screenshots below:
This site (using the Cassiopeia template) does not have the sample data loaded.
After loading the sample data, you can see how much you can do with Joomla! Note that the site has been zoomed out so that you can see other elements provided with the sample data without having to scroll down:
How to Load the Sample Data in Joomla! 4.0
Adding the sample data is very simple since the Joomla! developers have graciously added it into the installation files. These instructions use a completed Joomla! 4.0 installation. For more information on how to install it, please see our article on How to Install Joomla! 4.0 using Softaculous.
添加示例数据非常简单,因为Joomla!开发人员已经将其添加到安装文件中。& nbsp;这些说明使用完整的Joomla!4.0安装。& nbsp;有关如何安装它的更多信息,请参阅我们的文章如何安装Joomla!4.0使用Softaculous。
- Log in to the Joomla Administrator Backend. 登录到Joomla管理员后端。
- You will see the Administrator Dashboard for Joomla! 您将看到Joomla的管理员控制面板!
Scroll towards the bottom of the page and you will see a section labeled Sample Data 示例 数据. - Click on the 单击 Install 安装 button.
- You will see a warning that says you can’t reverse the installation. If you want to start with a blank installation, then it’s best to simply delete this installation and then start over again. 您将看到一条警告,提示您无法撤消安装。 如果您要从空白安装开始,最好删除此安装,然后重新开始。
Click on the OK 好的 button to proceed.
When the installation is in progress you will see the admin screen showing the progress:
You will then see a screen confirming the installation of the sample data:

Notice that the Sample Data section still shows the installation buttons, but the first one is now colored black. You can still also add the Multilingual Sample data if you wish.
请注意,“示例数据”部分仍显示安装按钮,但第一个按钮现在为黑色。& nbsp;如果需要,您还可以添加多语言示例数据。
This completes our tutorial on how to load the sample data provided with the new Joomla! 4.0 installation files. The best way to see the sample data in action is to simply load the front end and then check out all the different parts of the site that have been created by the developers.
这就完成了我们关于如何加载新Joomla提供的示例数据的教程!4.0安装文件。& nbsp;查看示例数据的最佳方法是加载前端,然后查看开发人员创建的站点的所有不同部分。