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Minifrontpage error: 0 - The image file does not exist.

I installed the module.
It all worked good, but on every article there was a default image.

So I added some pictures in my news-articles.
Although, the thumbnails stayed the same.
I tried to remove the default images with FTP from the folder /images/thumbnails/mod_minifrontpage

This resulted in the error that I have a fully blank page, only with the error "0 - The image file does not exist."
I have to disable the module, to see my website again.

Uninstalling and re-installing still gives me the same error


Accepted Answer

    Replied by admin on Monday, April 13 2020, 03:53 PM
    I think I found the reason of the error. It looks like the module doesn't work properly with image that contains spacing in its file name. It happens when you add the image directly using the wysiwyg editor, but it works properly when you use Intro image or Full Article Image to add image to the article.
    I'll try to fix it, but temporarily, if you want to to add image directly from editor, please remove spacing in the your image filename first.

    Please post rating at the Joomla! Extensions Directory - http://extensions.joomla.org/profile/profile/details/264
31 responses Add Yours


    Replied by admin on Monday, April 13 2020, 01:54 PM · Hide· #1
    Could you let me know the URL of your site so I can take a look?
    Please post rating at the Joomla! Extensions Directory - http://extensions.joomla.org/profile/profile/details/264
    Replied by seppe155 on Monday, April 13 2020, 02:01 PM · Hide· #2
    I have created a superuser account for you
    Replied by admin on Monday, April 13 2020, 02:02 PM · Hide· #3
    Can you point me to the page where you publish the module?
    Please post rating at the Joomla! Extensions Directory - http://extensions.joomla.org/profile/profile/details/264
    Replied by seppe155 on Monday, April 13 2020, 02:17 PM · Hide· #4
    the forntpage. it should be above the yellow banner

    but when "published" the whole site is gone
    Replied by seppe155 on Monday, April 13 2020, 02:20 PM · Hide· #5
    Everything worked in the beginning.
    But I did the stupid thing to remove the thumbnails, hoping I could use my own
    since then, it crashes
    Replied by admin on Monday, April 13 2020, 02:23 PM · Hide· #6
    Ah I see. Can you check this folder manually (using ftp) :
    if it doesn't exist, try to create it manually
    Please post rating at the Joomla! Extensions Directory - http://extensions.joomla.org/profile/profile/details/264
    Replied by seppe155 on Monday, April 13 2020, 02:25 PM · Hide· #7
    the folder exists
    already from the beginning of the installation. (see my opening post)

    I removed all the .jpg's inside of it.
    then it went wrong
    Replied by admin on Monday, April 13 2020, 02:30 PM · Hide· #8
    Hmm strange. Is it possible for you to provide a temporary ftp access ?
    Please post rating at the Joomla! Extensions Directory - http://extensions.joomla.org/profile/profile/details/264
    Replied by seppe155 on Monday, April 13 2020, 02:31 PM · Hide· #9
    yes, I will create in a second

    yes, it's very strange.
    It worked with the default installation
    but even uninstalling and re-installing to have the default again doesn't work
    Replied by seppe155 on Monday, April 13 2020, 02:38 PM · Hide· #10
    did you receive the FTP details?
    Replied by admin on Monday, April 13 2020, 02:44 PM · Hide· #11
    No, how did you add it? Simply add it using the Your site details tab below
    Please post rating at the Joomla! Extensions Directory - http://extensions.joomla.org/profile/profile/details/264
    Replied by seppe155 on Monday, April 13 2020, 02:45 PM · Hide· #12
    yes, I did that
    like I sended all the super-user details
    Replied by seppe155 on Monday, April 13 2020, 02:46 PM · Hide· #13
    here it is again for the FTP
    Replied by seppe155 on Monday, April 13 2020, 02:58 PM · Hide· #14
    When you enable the module, I now get:
    * plenty errors on my screen
    * in the admin-panel the text is resized
    * the textboxes are a lot smaller

    more and more modules and plugins are giving errors

    so I guess the best thing is to uninstall everything :)
    Replied by seppe155 on Monday, April 13 2020, 03:01 PM · Hide· #15

    there he is again :)
    Replied by admin on Monday, April 13 2020, 03:06 PM · Hide· #16
    When you enable the module, I now get:
    * plenty errors on my screen
    * in the admin-panel the text is resized
    * the textboxes are a lot smaller

    more and more modules and plugins are giving errors

    so I guess the best thing is to uninstall everything :)

    It because I changed the Error Reporting in the Global Configuration to Development level, to see the actual error message and you have some notice and deprecated message with plugins you have installed (bye bye generator and google analytics). I have switched it back the Error reporting to System Default to hide the notice messages.

    I have deleted the folder /images/thumbnails/mod_minifrontpage manually using ftp, then reinstalling the module. It looks like the module run properly now. Please have a look
    Please post rating at the Joomla! Extensions Directory - http://extensions.joomla.org/profile/profile/details/264
    Replied by seppe155 on Monday, April 13 2020, 03:08 PM · Hide· #17
    It worked for a second
    It had the default settings. I had 5 news-blocks.

    I changed it like I had it in the beginning, and there is the error again.....
    Replied by seppe155 on Monday, April 13 2020, 03:10 PM · Hide· #18
    when you change the "number of articles to show" from 5 to for example 12

    I want a grid of 4 x 3
    then it crashes again

    which he didn't do in the beginning
    Replied by seppe155 on Monday, April 13 2020, 03:13 PM · Hide· #19
    9 is now the maxium number of articles I can show
    I tried through FTP to add 12 thumbnails in total, but that doesn't work

    10 articles to show or above makes the plugin crash
    Replied by admin on Monday, April 13 2020, 03:17 PM · Hide· #20
    I think there's something wrong with the 12th articles. When I set the category to Nieuws Algement with article = 12, it show 1 item and didn't returned an error. Can you check what is the 12th articles and also can you try to add more articles?
    Please post rating at the Joomla! Extensions Directory - http://extensions.joomla.org/profile/profile/details/264
    Replied by seppe155 on Monday, April 13 2020, 03:20 PM · Hide· #21
    there are 12 articles to create the grid
    there are 3 different categories

    I added them all to the module

    the module is completly set now

    Only the number of articles to show is 10.
    If you change it to 12, you get the error
    Replied by admin on Monday, April 13 2020, 03:29 PM · Hide· #22
    It because of this article : 10-04-2020: nieuws-item 1
    I tried to unpublish the article and everything goes fine.
    Please post rating at the Joomla! Extensions Directory - http://extensions.joomla.org/profile/profile/details/264
    Replied by seppe155 on Monday, April 13 2020, 03:42 PM · Hide· #23
    Ok. I created a new article
    Now it seems to work again.

    For security, I will take a backup of the website :)

    thank you very much for the quick support
    I'm searching now how and where to change the defaul image to an image of the article
    Replied by seppe155 on Monday, April 13 2020, 05:20 PM · Hide· #24
    ok. thank you very much
    I will make sure I will rename all images

    Lets see what an "_" (underscore) does, instead of an image.
    I will search for the right solution

    thank you
    Replied by seppe155 on Tuesday, April 14 2020, 02:40 PM · Hide· #25
    Good afternoon

    We are back to the crash, after following your directions in the topic:
    Replied by seppe155 on Tuesday, April 14 2020, 02:44 PM · Hide· #26
    It has something to do with multiple categories
    because I use it on another another menu-item, with only 1 categorie, then it works

    But i found the categorie that is making trouble
    So I will search again, and keep you informed
    Replied by seppe155 on Tuesday, April 14 2020, 03:16 PM · Hide· #27
    there is 1 categorie that always causes the problem.
    I have no idea why.
    I will create a new category and new articles, and see what happens

    keep you informed!
    Replied by seppe155 on Tuesday, April 14 2020, 04:34 PM · Hide· #28

    I deleted the categorie
    I deleted all the articles concerning this categorie

    Created everything again from scratch, now it works
    Replied by admin on Tuesday, April 14 2020, 11:22 PM · Hide· #29
    Ok thank you for the confirmation. Please update me if crash happens again
    Please post rating at the Joomla! Extensions Directory - http://extensions.joomla.org/profile/profile/details/264
    Replied by mrvargo on Wednesday, April 22 2020, 12:14 PM · Hide· #30
    Hi. I have the exact same error - I have deleted the thumbnail directory and re-installed MFP but it still crashes the page.

    I don't create the articles but there are a large number of old images with spaces in the filenames which also caused problems with the old Latest News+ module.

    I've fixed by renaming several files but would be great to find a solution for this to prevent future errors.

    Thank you

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