抄送与密件抄送: 这两个电子邮件字段的区别是什么?

CC vs. BCC: What’s the Difference Between These Two Email Fields?

抄送与密件抄送: 这两个电子邮件字段的区别是什么?

When referring to email, “cc” means carbon copy and “bcc” means “blind carbon copy”.  Both “cc” and “bcc” are additional fields you can enter when sending an email.  


Every recipient email address you enter into the “to” and “cc” fields will be able to see each other.  The email addresses you add to the “bcc” field will not be visible to the “to” and “cc” recipients or the other “bcc” recipients.


Addressing an email


When you send an email, you have three field choices: “to”, “cc”, and “bcc”.  Here is how to use each field:

当您发送电子邮件时,您有三个字段选择: “到”、“抄送”和“密件抄送”。下面是如何使用每个字段:

  • To: enter the email addresses of the people the email is targeted to
  • 要: 输入电子邮件目标人群的电子邮件地址
  • Cc: enter the email addresses of the people you want to know about the email (remember that everyone will see their names)
  • 抄送: 输入你想了解的人的电子邮件地址(记住,每个人都会看到他们的名字)
  • Bcc: enter the email addresses of the people you want to know about the email but not announce to everyone else that they are getting a copy
  • 密件传送: 输入你想知道的人的电子邮件地址,但不要告诉其他人他们正在得到一个副本

Why would you “cc” someone on an email?


Carbon copying someone on an email is a great way to keep them in “the loop” and allows them to know what is going on without actually being involved.  It can be a useful way to remind people of what happened at a meeting or to remind them to take action on something.  Carbon copying also makes the recipient aware of who else is looking at the email. This is often used in business settings to get the primary recipient (the “to” field) of the email to take the message more seriously or to let them know that it is important. 


Person typing on laptop keyboard

Why would you “bcc” someone on an email?


Blind carbon copying someone to an email is common when you want to keep the recipients’ privacy.  One example is to use BCC when emailing a long list of people who do not know each other like in a mailing list.  Another reason to blind carbon copy someone is to keep them in the loop of a conversation without letting the other recipients (the “to” and “cc” fields) know.  In business, this can be used to tattle on someone by blind carbon copying your superiors on an email thread.  Blind carbon copying also prevents the recipients listed in the “bcc” field from receiving any  “reply all” emails.

当你想保护收件人的隐私时,盲目抄袭别人的电子邮件是很常见的。一个例子是使用 BCC 发送邮件给一长串互不认识的人,就像邮件列表一样。另一个不让别人知道的原因是让他们参与谈话,而不让其他收件人(“ to”和“ cc”字段)知道。在生意场上,这可以被用来通过电子邮件盲目复制你的上司来告发某人。盲复写还可以防止“密件抄送”字段中列出的收件人收到任何“全部回复”的电子邮件。



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